Tropical Technical Institute

IT2 is an Agricultural Technical Institute qualified by the Ministry of Agriculture, working in the field of bananas and diversification crops in Guadeloupe and Martinique. The mission of IT2 is to provide effective and sustainable technical solutions in the areas defined as priorities by professionals, by achieving change of scale and the transfer of research results. IT2 operates with the help of its own team and by establishing collaboration contracts with research organizations (in the first place CIRAD, but also IRSTEA, IRD and INRA). More explicitly, this mission consists of: 1) Participate in the definition and orientation of research programmes on tropical crops; 2) Be a major actor in the Agricultural Innovation and Transfer Networks (RITA); 3) Contractualize applied research themes with public research organizations; 4) Ensure change of scale by leading a network of pioneering producers and by monitoring plots and experiments; 5) Conduct scientific, technical and regulatory monitoring - Formalize technical support documentation; 6) Distribute practices through the technical services of Producer Organizations (POs) by providing them with continuous information and training

Research unit and team

Leticia Nelson